The Kindness Group

The right culture fuels better outcomes.

We help create kinder and healthier businesses. We do this by assisting companies to replace toxic cultures and bring kindness to the workplace.

Companies struggle because the internal culture gets in the way. 

  • People default to being negative about each other. 
  • The bottom line isn’t where it could be. 
  • Disengaged employees create a draining workplace. 


When toxicity reigns, everyone loses. 

About us

Welcome to The Kindness Group, your trusted partner in business consulting. Based in Charlotte, NC, we are dedicated to helping businesses thrive and succeed.

Great organizations prioritize people. 

The Kindness Company brings a revolutionary approach to the modern workplace. By focusing on how people treat each other, we help teams and organizations build healthy, thriving cultures. Revenue goes up. People are engaged. And everyone wins. 

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three men sitting while using laptops and watching man beside whiteboard

Business Consulting Services

Greg Atkinson speaking


Greg Atkinson delivers motivational, inspirational, and insightful Keynote talks about the secret power of kindness. His strategic planning services help businesses develop clear, actionable plans for future growth and success.



The Kindness Group brings a revolutionary approach to the modern workplace. By focusing on how people treat each other, we help teams and organizations build healthy, thriving cultures.



Our team, led by bestselling author and international speaker Greg Atkinson, leads workshops to help businesses effectively navigate their internal culture and build strong organizational health.

About Us

We want to see people thrive.

We know what it’s like to work in a toxic culture.

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Greg Atkinson Consulting

The Kindness Group: Transforming Businesses with Compassion

Welcome to The Kindness Group, where we believe that true success in business goes beyond profits and numbers. Our team of experienced consultants is dedicated to helping businesses thrive by incorporating kindness and compassion into their operations.

We work closely with our clients to identify areas for improvement and develop tailored solutions that align with their core values. Our unique approach combines business strategy with empathy, creating a positive and supportive environment for both employees and customers.

At The Kindness Group, we believe that businesses can be a powerful force for good in the world. By promoting kindness and empathy within organizations, we can create a ripple effect that extends beyond the walls of the workplace and into the community.

Join us on our mission to build a more compassionate and successful business landscape. Contact us today to learn more about our services and how we can help your business reach its full potential.

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The Kindness Group

About Greg Atkinson

Greg Atkinson is the author of the bestselling book The Secret Power of Kindness.

"The secret power of kindness is the self-awareness to know that you have the power to make or break someone else’s day and eventually change the world. Kindness has no hidden agenda or strings attached. Its only purpose is to express love to another soul made in the image of God." - Greg Atkinson

"Kindness has been defined as loaning someone your strength instead of reminding them of their weakness." - Brené Brown

"Kind words soothe and quiet and comfort the hearer. They pull him out of his sour, morose, unkind feelings. We have not yet begun to use kind words in such abundance as they ought to be used." - Blaise Pascal

"Always be a little kinder than necessary." -James M. Barrie

KINDNESS: noun; is the quality of being friendly, generous, and considerate.

More About Greg

Contact The Kindness Group for Expert Business Consulting Services

Are you looking to improve your business performance and team culture? Look no further than The Kindness Group! Greg Atkinson and his team are dedicated to helping businesses succeed and thrive. Fill out the form below to contact us and schedule a call today.

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